Better than u | Ep 8 Part 3

Better than u | Ep 8 Part 3

Efsun falls asleep in. Emir’s arms as they wait all night time for the situation of the affected person they operated on. Ali sees the 2 collectively and shakes! the espresso, cup then leaves.

A suspicious person calls to the clinic and says that you’ll pay 300 thousand greenbacks if the medical doctors do an operation, this lured Emir and Efsun. On the opposite hand, Xhem and Burjhu spend non violent and romantic moments in the kitchen together. The purifier that Efsuni hired has understood the reality.

The cleaning agent illuminates Efsu that the person that worked on her call is Emir. Efsun will defy Pervi, and lets Emir know that he is a liar. Efsun leaves the sanatorium and goes to the bistro wherein Burxhu works. Serpil also comes, there and along with. Efsu they cry about their concerns and arise as top buddies.

Emir issues approximately Efsu after she has found out the reality and is going out to look for him. Suddenly he sees him sitting near a park with his near friend, Sarp. Efsun tells Sarp that Emir harm her loads and lied to her. Emir then sees them hand, in hand and of path he starts offevolved! to get jealous.

Emir tries to restore members of the family with Efsu and orders her meals. Efsun is surprised? when she sees an order at the, door and says that she did now not order, however she understands? that it is from Emir.


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