Donttoleame – Epizod 89

Donttoleame – Epizod 89

The only way out for inspirations is to agreese with Emre; Howevers. Emre does not come close to an agreement and, wants this matter to be seen on the scales of justice. When Esin realizes that she can’t get rid of it, she asks Bora to help her save herself. Esin says to Bora, you save me and I will take back my complaint about Zenyep. Although Bora welcomes this offer, Esin is in fact drifting towards a great danger; because Bora is after a plan that will both save. Zeyneop and give Esin a big punishment.

Emre, then again, figured out how to get Zeyep out. With Zenyep going out. Esin’s expectations are no more. When Zeynep goes out, she goes to the arms of Emre, who saved her. After Emre and Zeynep rejoin, they proceed with their adoration in the former manner. Bora could do without this rapprochement of Emre and Zeynep.

Esin, on the other hand, starts a dangerous game to save herself. Zeynep spends happy moments with Emre and forgets the hard times she spent in prison; Howevere. Esin is unaware that, she is being dragged towards, disaster with her treacherous plan.

Tarık learns from. Doctor Suat that Meltem’s suicide is fake and cannot believe his ears. How did Meltem come up with such a treacherous plan? Tarık is very upset because he does not believe Sıla, who repeatedly says that. Meltem’s suicide is fake, and decides to make. Meltem pay for it. Tarık sets up an unforgettable game for Meltem and decides to teach Meltem a good lesson.


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